
Not ready to purchase an instrument yet? You can rent one!
Browse our stock of used instruments available for rental. All used instruments listed have been serviced for good playing condition.
How to rent?

Decide on the instrument and duration of rental required

Contact us for the rental rates, and confirm your rental

Collect the instrument at our shop (place deposit and fill up rental agreement)

Rental FAQ:
Can I just walk-in to the shop to rent an instrument?
Why do you require a deposit?
This is our security for the instruments rented out. The deposit is fully refunded upon return of the instrument.
How can I place the deposit?
The deposit can be placed by cash, cheque, bank transfer or PayNow. There will be additional charges for deposits placed by NETS or Credit Card.
Do the rental prices include accessories for the instruments?
No, the rental prices does not include mouthpiece and accessories. These accessories can be purchased separately.
I have rented an instrument, how do I extend the rental?
Please contact us for rental extension, and extension payment can arranged without coming down to the shop.
I damaged the rental instrument. What should I do?
In the case of instrument damage, please bring the instrument back to us and our repair technicians will inspect and provide necessary repairs. Please do not perform repairs yourself or send it to anyone else for repairs. For damage caused by mishandling of the instrument, we will charge the usual instrument repair fees based on the damage. We provide free repairs on wear and tear damage on our rental instruments.